The Chianina is an Italian breed of cow reared exclusively for the production of meat. It is of ancient origin, known for more than 2,000 years, quoted by Pliny the Elder and other Latin authors (Bos magnus et albus) and was used as a work animal by the Romans and Etruscans.
Furthermore, because of its bright white coat, it was used in sacrifices to the gods and in triumphal processions. Even today, in the historic procession of the Palio of Siena, four oxen of the Chianina breed pull the carriage in which the cloth destined for the winning contrada is carried.
The Chianina is characterized by its great body (it is the greatest breed of cows in the world), reaching 2 metres in height up to the withers in adult bulls and weighs more than 17 quintals (12 in females), and is distinguished for its adaptability to grazing in various climatic conditions and its resistance to diseases. Today it is the second breed for meat in Italy. There are many breeding stations for the Chianina, including organic, which you can visit, on request, during pasture and in the stable.
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